Connectivity is a communicative course for adults and young adults. Connectivity has 6 levels from beginner to advanced competency. Each purchased book has a unique code which gives students access to1) the Student’s Interactive eBook, 2) Student’s App and, 3) Online Practice. The Student’s Interactive eBook enables students to access their student book materials on their computer or other mobile devices. The Student’s App gives students access to the complete Connectivity audio and video program as well as activities for grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening comprehension and speaking practice. Online Practice offers lesson-by-lesson exercises with interactive practice activities in all skills. It offers a) immediate feedback on wrong answers, b) a listen-and-record feature that allows students to compare their pronunciation to a model, c) extra reading and writing practice.
*東海學生心得:Mailly老師講話很風趣,說話時是手舞足蹈的~人很大方親切,我聽不太懂英文的時候,她會參雜中文和我解釋,她說不懂隨時問 才是對的學習方式。
*首圖為外師初級會話班學員於Mailly老師家上課合影,當日移地教學課程主題: A special Christmas class
WEEK 1. Unit 7: Holidays and Traditions talk about local traditions, types of holidays, compare holidays
WEEK 2. Unit 7: ways to celebrate or commemorate a holiday, share holidays in different countries
WEEK 3. Unit 9: Discussing Global and Local Issues, agree and disagree politely, controversial issues
WEEK 4. Unit 9: debate different sides of an issue, discuss solutions to global and local issues
WEEK 5. Unit 10: The Natural World, recommending a destination of natural beauty, describing a country’s geography, geographical features
WEEK 6. Unit 10: warn about possible dangers in the outdoors, dream vacations
WEEK 7. Unit 8: Innovations describe inventors and their inventions, the impact of historical inventions
WEEK 8. Unit 6: Plans and Choices, resolutions for creating a better life, examine past actions, discuss factors that promote success